Using student loans to finance a portion of your education is an important decision. It can allow you and your family to move forward and make an investment in your future, provided that you understand and plan for these loans.

When considering financing options, your goals should include making manageable monthly payments and minimizing the total cost of a college education.

In order to meet both of these goals, we suggest the following:

  • Investigate the terms of available loan programs if you decide to borrow.
  • Combine loans and payment plan options to meet the amount that needs to be financed.
  • Reduce your need to borrow by paying as much as you can directly to ÐÔ°Éapp, either as a one-time payment at the start of the term or through our  option (available in Cardinal Pay).

Your online Free Application for Federal Student Aid () may make you eligible for several undergraduate loans:

Federal Direct Student Loans

Eligibility is determined by the U.S. Department of Education based on student financial need as indicated by the FAFSA. Amounts are as follows; $3,500 for freshmen, $4,500 for sophomores, $5,500 for juniors and seniors. Your financial aid package may include a combination of both subsidized and unsubsidized loan interest.

Federal Parent PLUS Loans

This is a non-need based, low-interest loan made to parents (including adoptive or stepparents) of dependent undergraduate students. Loans can be made up to the entire cost of attendance.